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Day 1 - Departure

Depart to Israel. Possible stops on the way. 

Transatlantic flights usually arrive the next day.

Day 2 - Arrival in Israel

Arrival in Ben Gurion Airport, near Tel Aviv.

Meet, and be assisted by a Lipkin Tours representative responsible for your tour of Israel. Your guide and driver will take you to our Galilee Hotel for dinner and overnight. 

Dinner and overnight at Galilee hotel

Day 3 - Lower Galilee 

After breakfast, we drive to the town of Nazareth in the hill country of the Galilee where Jesus grew to manhood (Matth. 2:23). We continue with a visit to Cana in the Galilee, the scene of the wedding feast, where Jesus turned the water into wine (Jon. 2:1-11).

Our next stop is Megiddo, where the Messiah will return to earth and defeat the Antichrist (the "beast") in the battle of Armageddon. Then on to Mt. Carmel to visit the "Place of Sacrifice" where the Prophet Elijah defeated with the Priests of Baal (1 Kings 18:17-40). 

Dinner and overnight at Galilee hotel

Day 4 - Golan Heights

After breakfast, we drive up to the Golan Heights stopping at Mt. Bental, a lookout point where we can see the "Road to Damascus".
Our next stop is at Banias, one of the sources of the River Jordan, the site of Caesarea Philippi where the Apostle Peter made his great confession of faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God (Matth. 16:13-17). We then continue to Tel Dan a city mentioned in the Bible, described as the northernmost city of the Kingdom of Israel, belonging to the Tribe of Dan. Before returning to our hotel we shall have the opportunity to stop at a baptismal site on the banks of the River Jordan.

Dinner and overnight at Galilee hotel

Day 5 - Sea of Galilee

The Sea of Galilee is rich in memories of the three years of Jesus' ministry around its shores. We begin this day with a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee to visit the ruins of Capernaum which in Jesus' time was a flourishing border town and was called "his own city" because of the frequency with which Jesus visited it and the mighty works he did there.  Next we visit Tabgha. We stop for a while on the Mount of Beatitudes, the scene of the Sermon on the Mount (Matth. 5). We head to Jerusalem through the Jordan Valley passing by the city of Jericho. We will stop at Mt. Scopus overlooking Jerusalem and give thanks to the Lord.

Dinner and overnight at Jerusalem hotel

Day 6 - Dead Sea

We start our day with a visit to the cave of Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. We head south to Masada. Ascent by cable car for an extensive tour of the site which was the scene of the Jewish resistance against the Romans in the year 73 AD.  After this we continue to the Dead Sea, the lowest spot on the face of the Earth. You will have plenty of time at the shores of the Dead Sea and have an opportunity for a bath in mineral rich waters (Dead Sea SPA). 

Dinner and overnight at Jerusalem hotel

Day 7 - Free day

Shabbat Shalom: Free day to rest on Shabbat or explore Jerusalem on your own Personal Day:  rest and pray. Connect with individuals or sites of personal interest.  No bus or guide provided. After nightfall our bus will take us to the Western Wall Tunnels for a special Jerusalemite night experience.

Dinner and overnight at Jerusalem hotel

Day 8 - Samaria

We start our day with a visit to Shiloh, the site where the Tabernacle stood for 369 years. We continue to Mt. Kabir, a magnificent lookout point at Shechem, Mt. Gerizim (Mt. of Blessing) and Mt. Ebal (Mt. of Curses), On our way back to Jerusalem we stop at Beth El, site of Jacob's Dream of the Ladder. Our last stop is the Binyamin visitor center for a special multimedia show about the tribal land of Benjamin. 

Dinner and overnight at Jerusalem hotel

Day 9 - Judea

We depart Jerusalem for Gush Etzion.  Visit the Sound and Light Show in Kfar Etzion and learn about the special history of this area. Next to Path of the Patriarchs, including ancient ritual paths  and strategic lookout toward Jerusalem. Travel south to Hebron, city of the Patriarchs and first capital of King David.  Tour the ancient Jewish neighborhoods and the Machpela Cave.  Meet with residents of one of the Hebron area communities and learn about this unique area in Israel. 

Dinner and overnight at Jerusalem hotel

Day 10 - Jerusalem's Old City

After breakfast we start our pilgrimage in Jerusalem with a drive to the top of the Mt. of Olives, from which Jesus ascended to Heaven after his resurrection. From the top of the Mount there is a magnificent view over all of ancient and modern Jerusalem, the center of the biblical world. We visit the Garden of Gethsamane (time for prayer) and the Church of All Nations where Jesus prayed on the night of his betrayal (Lk. 22:40-46). Next we visit the City of David archeological museum. We visit the last standing remnant of the ancient Temple at the Western (Wailing) Wall and visit some of the exciting archeological sites in and around the Old City. We end this memorable day of our tour of Israel with a visit to the Garden Tomb.

Dinner and overnight at Jerusalem hotel

Day 11- Modern Jerusalem

After breakfast we visit the Yad Vashem memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. Afterwards we will go to the Israel Museum where the Dead Sea scrolls are displayed. We pass by the Knesset, Israel's parliament. Free time for some last minute shopping in the markets of Jerusalem. 

Dinner and overnight at Jerusalem hotel

Day 12 - Return home

After breakfast we take our leave from the Dead Sea and check in for our homebound flight at Ben Gurion Airport, rejoicing and putting our trust in the Lord, remembering the words of the Psalmist in Psalm 125:1: "Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever".

Contact Us
(Israel) +972-2-997-9329
(U.S) +1-8446380434
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