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Red Heifers at Shiloh

In the Bible, particularly in the Old Testament, the concept of the red heifer holds a significant and symbolic place, carrying redemptive importance within the context of Biblical law and offering many spiritual lessons.


The red heifer is described in the Book of Numbers in chapter 19:1-10. According to these verses, a red heifer without blemish, which has never borne a yoke, is to be sacrificed and its ashes used in a purification ritual. This ritual was essential for removing ritual impurity, particularly for those who had come into contact with a corpse.


The red heifer’s significance lies in its ability to assist and show spiritual purification. The ashes of the red heifer were mixed with water to create a solution that could cleanse individuals from impurities. One of the significant roles that the red heifer will play in the future is that its ashes are needed to cleanse before building the third temple. Many believe that the water made from the ashes of a red heifer is what Ezekiel was talking about in chapter 36:24-26, “I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” This symbolized the idea of spiritual cleansing and restoration, making one ritually clean before God.


Hearing and reading about the red heifer coming to ancient Shiloh, especially during the time of Sukkot, brings to mind our redemption and purification. There is no better time to connect with and draw closer to God. As we look toward redemption, we can rejoice that we see aspects of it drawing closer in our day! 


Would you like to visit ancient Shiloh and see these red heifers yourself? In addition to the red heifers, there are a wide array of things to do in ancient Shiloh for the whole family! Or perhaps you would like to see Joshua’s Altar on Mount Ebal? 


Click the link below to view our tours in 2024 and book your spot today! 

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