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Haman’s Ears

Every year in the spring, in the Hebrew month of Adar, Israel pauses and celebrates the holiday of Purim. Purim remembers the story of Esther and Mordachai and how they fought and won against Haman. This is a fun time of celebration and enjoying time with friends and family. Many people dress up as characters from the book of Esther. Throughout the celebrations, the book of Esther is publicly read with cheers whenever Mordachai’s name is read and boos when Haman’s name is read. 


Jews around the world realize that the story of Esther repeats itself in every generation. Whether it was the ancient Babylonians, the ancient Romans, the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, the Holocaust, modern Iran, or Hamas - in every generation there is a group of people who rise up in an attempt to destroy Israel. However, in every generation, God protects Israel and they are protected against their enemies. The same holds true today. God has and will continue to protect Israel despite the intentions of her enemies. 


One of the traditional foods that are enjoyed during Purim is a cookie called Oznei Haman in Hebrew, or Haman’s Ears. These triangle shaped cookies are often filled with chocolate, jelly, or other fun treats. One explanation of this unique name is that the cookies symbolize Haman’s ear hanging limply - similar to the idiom of him having his tail between his legs. In light of the current situation in Israel, some places have playfully changed the name of the cookie to Oznei Sinwar - Sinwar’s Ears. Sinwar is the current political leader of Hamas in Gaza. This shows the strength and hope of Israelis. Even though others rise up against them, Israel will prevail! Am Israel Chai - the People of Israel Live! 


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